We want to make exclusive art that is accessible to all. We, therefore, make collections available at a limited amount at an affordable price. Such that everyone can enjoy a special piece of art that is far from the ordinary.

Our art is inspired by the beauty of the cities that we live in. Cities become more and more crowded and society is relying on automation and optimisation more than ever before. We strive to capture these developments in one work, containing only lines.
We, the makers, with our background in econometrics and mechanical engineering are proponents of those technological developments. But if it's up to us, we should be aware and make sure that the developments serve us as a society. We also strive to do this in our art. Although we like the mathematical backbone on which our art is based, the resulting outcome is the most important and should be minimalistic and enjoyable even for the biggest opponents of those developments.


Please check out our newly released collection: Five Times South Holland
